
Showing posts from September, 2019

Tugas Membuat Summary (Writing Correction)

Tugas selanjutnya dari kelas elektif saya adalah membuat rangkuman dari sebuah artikel mengenai tokoh yang terkenal di dunia. Saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk meringkas artikel mengenai profil singkat dari Hugo Chavez. Beliau adalah mantan presiden Venezuela. Sayang sekali, artikel lengkapnya belum bisa kita attach link -nya karena dibagikan dalam bentuk lembaran yang telah di- print . Jadi, langsung aja saya sajikan raw writing saya, yang kemudian diikuti oleh koreksi yang telah diberikan oleh dosen. Check it out! Before Correction Hugo Chavez was one of the most controversial figures in political history. Born in Venezuela in 1954 from poor family, Chavez grew as a well-respected officer and became head of paratrooper unit. In 1992, he led a coup to remove the Venezuelan president, Carloz Peres, due to feeling disgusted by the corruption. After the coup ended, he was put behind bars for two years and released from Jail in 1994. In 1998, Chavez was elected as a pre...

Membuat Surat Complaint in English

Membuat surat complaint in English Tulisan ini adalah lanjutan dari grammar correction sebelumnya . Tulisan ini adalah tulisan saat exam saya yang kedua di International House, Auckland University of Technology . Saat menulis blog ini, saya sedang belajar English course dan tergabung di kelas kelas advanced (C1). Tulisan ini akan dibagi dua, yakni tulisan original dan grammar correction. Baik, langsung saja kita lihat tulisan original -nya sebelum diberikan correction : Dear Manager of The Dragon We are regret to express our discomfort and dissatisfaction  when we were having our dishes  at your restaurant. We are afraid to tell you that information in the website is not accurate and misleading. As it is written that the food is exceptional and affordable, we felt that the food tasted similar each other. Furthermore, we are charged too much for small portions of food. We were happy to see variety of food in menu list. Unfortunately, we felt upset due to wa...

Grammar Correction Menulis Surat Lamaran Kerja

Grammar Correction dalam Penulisan Surat Setelah selesai dengan contoh grammar correction pertama , saya dengan senang hati ingin share grammar correction kedua pada blog ini. Kalo yang pertama adalah summary, maka di tulisan yang ini, adalah contoh tulisan surat lamaran kerja. Langsung saja kita lihat tulisan original sebelum di koreksi. To: From: Zulkhaidir Purwanto Subject: Application Dear Mr. Richard Cunningham I am writing to apply for the post of camp monitors for upcoming summer camps. I received my bachelor degree three years ago and currently enroll in English course in Auckland University of Technology. I have a high level of English speaking ability (C1) as I am in advanced class in my course. Besides, I have travelled and received some short course programs in the US and Australia. As you will see from my CV, I have some relevant experiences for this position. I worked as part time English teacher for four years while I was in Unive...

Contoh Grammar Correction in Writing

Grammar Correction Jadi ceritanya, alhamdulillah , saya ada kesempatan untuk belajar di Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. Selama tiga bulan, saya belajar bahasa Inggris di English Course, International House AUT. Dalam blog kali ini saya ingin menyimpan beberapa contoh writing yang telah dikoreksi sembari sharing kepada teman-teman semua mengenai beberapa grammar correction yang diberikan kepada saya.  Langsung saja kita masuk ke contoh pertama. Pada tugas ini, saya diminta untuk membuat rangkuman dari berita yang ada pada link ini . Nah hasilnya seperti berikut: Title: New Zealand Waste Crisis: Five Things You Need to Know New Zealand is currently facing tremendous waste crisis after China refused to accept the world's waste, including from Aotearoa. As a result, waste industry that mostly run by private company unable to make a profit due to plastic are not worth recycling. On top of the problem is the reliance of plastic use which most ...