Tugas Membuat Summary (Writing Correction)

Writing assignments

Tugas selanjutnya dari kelas elektif saya adalah membuat rangkuman dari sebuah artikel mengenai tokoh yang terkenal di dunia. Saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk meringkas artikel mengenai profil singkat dari Hugo Chavez. Beliau adalah mantan presiden Venezuela. Sayang sekali, artikel lengkapnya belum bisa kita attach link-nya karena dibagikan dalam bentuk lembaran yang telah di-print. Jadi, langsung aja saya sajikan raw writing saya, yang kemudian diikuti oleh koreksi yang telah diberikan oleh dosen. Check it out!

Before Correction

Hugo Chavez was one of the most controversial figures in political history. Born in Venezuela in 1954 from poor family, Chavez grew as a well-respected officer and became head of paratrooper unit. In 1992, he led a coup to remove the Venezuelan president, Carloz Peres, due to feeling disgusted by the corruption. After the coup ended, he was put behind bars for two years and released from Jail in 1994.

In 1998, Chavez was elected as a president of Venezuela and he strengthened social programs for the poor and gained popularity among lower class. During his presidency, Chavez led a stand up against the US in South America. Due to presidency term limit were abolished in 2009, he run for office in the rest of his life. He died on March 5th, 2013 at the age of 58.

After Correction:

Hugo Chavez was one of the most controversial figures in political history. Born in Venezuela in 1954 from a poor family, Chavez grew as a well-respected officer and became head of a paratrooper unit. In 1992, he led a coup to remove the Venezuelan president, Carloz Peres, due to feeling disgusted by the corruption. After the coup ended, he was put behind bars for two years and released from jail in 1994.

In 1998, Chavez was elected as a president of Venezuela and he strengthened social programs for the poor and gained popularity among lower class. During his presidency, Chavez led a stood up against to the USA in South America. Due to the presidency, term limits were abolished in 2009 so he run was in for office in the rest of his life. He died on March 5th, 2013 at the age of 58.

Hanya sedikit saja koreksi dari berita ini. Maklum artikel ini hanya berisi sekitar 138 kata saja. Nah, intisari dari kesalahan dari writing ini adalah:

1. Penggunaan article

Born in Venezuela in 1954 from a poor family,.... - ....became head of a paratrooper unit. - Due to the presidency,....

2. Penggunaan huruf kapital dan singkatan yang tidak benar

- ....for two years and released from Jjail in 1994.

- ....the USA....

3. Penggunaan kata yang tidak tepat
- Chavez led a stood up against to
Keterangan: Kata against boleh diikuti dengan kata led, misal; let a protest against
- ....so he run was in for office in the rest of his life.

4. Penggunaan tanda baca dan plural/singular pada kata benda
Due to the presidency, term limits were abolished in 2009

Sekian dulu informasi mengenai writing correction ini. Tulisan ini saya buat untuk menjadi bahan pelajaran bagi saya pribadi dan semoga menjadi bahan pembelajaran untuk pembaca. Selain itu, saya juga punya beberapa tulisan grammar correction yang bisa dibaca pada link dibawah ini.

Grammar correction 1
Grammar correction 2
Grammar correction 3


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